Fgetchar(2) Oct. 1, 1991 Fgetchar(2) NAME Fgetchar - read a character from a file SYNOPSIS LONG Fgetchar( WORD fh, WORD mode ); DESCRIPTION Fgetchar reads a character from the open file whose handle is fh. The parameter mode has an effect only if the open file is a terminal or pseudo-terminal, in which case the bits of mode have the following meanings: 0x0001 Cooked mode; special control characters (control-C and control-Z) are checked for and interpreted if found (they cause SIGINT and SIGTSTP, respectively, to be raised); also, flow control with control-S and control-Q is activated. 0x0002 Echo mode; characters read are echoed back to the ter- minal. The ASCII value of the character read is put in the low byte of the long word that is returned. If the file is a terminal or pseudo-terminal, the scan code of the character pressed and (possibly) the shift key status are also returned in the long word, just as with the BIOS Bconin system call. RETURNS The character read, if successful. 0x0000FF1A if end of file is detected. EIHNDL if fh is not a valid handle for an open file. SEE ALSO Bconin(2), Cconin(2), Cauxin(2), Fputchar(2), Fread(2) Version 0.9 Last change: MiNT Programmer's Manual 1